External Affiliates

Photo of Sumbleen Ali

Research Scientist

Sumbleen Ali

Research Interests:

I work on understanding psychological adjustment and personality as correlates of interpersonal acceptance-rejection. My prior graduate degree in psychology and my current studies in HDFS have given me an interdisciplinary cross-cultural perspective in research. Currently I am investigating the neurobiology of social rejection by investigating the way in which adults’ remembrances of parental acceptance-rejection in childhood influence neural responses to rejection.

Photo of Lauren Bryant

Visiting Associate Professor 

Lauren Bryant

Research Interests:

I am interested in higher-order processes (e.g., executive functions) that support emotional and cognitive self-regulation. Specifically, I am interested in environmental (e.g., providing rewards/incentives) and biological (e.g., sex, gender) factors that jointly influence children's self-regulatory abilities. My research incorporates biopsychological and socio-cognitive neuroscience approaches.

Photo of Dandan Chen

PhD Student 

Dandan Chen

Research Interests:

Educational/psychological instrument design and evaluation (i.e., psychometrics), reliability and validity, standardized assessments, adaptive learning

Jie Chen

Assistant Professor
Florida State University
College of Nursing

Jie Chen

Research Interests:

My long-term research plan is to develop a comprehensive understanding of bio-behavioral and multi-omics mechanism of pain and develop and tailor precision interventions to predict, prevent, and treat pain among older adults with cardiovascular disease.

Photo of Matthew Costello

Associate Professor 

Matthew Costello

Research Interests:

My research explores age-related differences in cognition and perception from an embodied cognition perspective. Current research questions focus on how older adults perform in visual working memory, time perception, language processing and tool-use.

Photo of Nicole Cruse
Assistant Professor 

Nicole Cruse

Research Interests:

Executive dysfunction after brain injury, TBI, cognitive-communicative disorders, aphasia, and Virtual Gaming as a tool for cognitive rehabilitation

Photo of Charles Davis

Postdoc Associate 

Charles Davis

Research Interests:

How is meaning represented in the brain? I am interested in semantic representation in language, and the neural circuits that support these representations. My current work is investigating the representation of abstract concepts, looking at the interaction of semantic and episodic memory in the processing of abstract concepts, and the role of the hippocampus in this relation. I am also interested in the distributed representation of semantic memory across sensorimotor areas of the brain (the extent to which sensory, perceptual, and motor areas are involved in processing language), and how these ideas map onto language creation and, from an evolutionary perspective, non-human communication.

Photo of Benjamin De Bari

Visiting Assistant Professor 

Benjamin De Bari

Research Interests:

I am interested in the physical principles supporting biological systems and their behavior. Biological systems’ presence in the world is importantly tied to their functional capacities. I want to investigate the physical principles which underwrite these behaviors, and the physical systems which instantiate these fundamental activities

Photo of Lana Delasanta

Employment Specialist
Attleboro Enterprises, Inc.

Lana Delasanta

Research Interests:

My current interests are collective consciousness and ecological psychology.

Photo of Julia Drouin

Julia Drouin

Research Interests:

Speech perception, perceptual learning, cochlear implants

Photo of Matthew Eastman

Research Scientist

Matthew Eastman

Research Interests:

My current research projects include developing a spatial multiomics platform, assays, and bioinformatic analyses.

Photo of Teresa Girolamo

Assistant Professor
School of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences
San Diego State University (SDSU)

Teresa Girolamo

Research Interests:

My research addresses language in autism, including how individual differences in language and environmental factors shape developmental trajectories. I study language at the levels of behavior and brain, using community-based participatory research and functional near-infrared spectroscopy. I am also interested in ensuring that research tools, whether neuroscience or behavioral clinical assessments, are generalizable and promote science representative of the population.


Photo of Vincent Gracco

Assistant Professor Adjunct
Child Study Center
Yale School of Medicine

Vincent Gracco

Research Interests:

My research focuses on the neuroscience of human communication and their disorders using multiple neuroimaging modalities and physiological techniques. Current research is focused on sensorimotor and cognitive control processes for spoken language, network targeted neuromodulation as a treatment for disorders of speech and voice, neural adaptation and compensation resulting from sensory deprivation and hearing restoration in cochlear implanted children and adults and investigating variation in response to reading remediation in children with Reading Disability using dynamic brain/behavior tracking.


Photo of Kyra Krass

Kyra Krass

Research Interests:

I am interested in using behavioral and neuroimaging techniques to study sentence processing and event representation. My research seeks to find which object states are active in the brain when individuals process change of state verbs. I am also interested in what role anticipation and affordances play in sentence processing.

Photo of Oliver Lasnick

Oliver Lasnick

Research Interests:

I am interested in both the etiology and neural endophenotypes of reading and language disorders, particularly developmental dyslexia. In my work I leverage both neuroimaging and computational approaches, particularly with large, diverse datasets. For my research I analyze both structural (MRI) and functional (fMRI, EEG) neuroimaging data, with the goal of identifying both neural correlates and early predictors of dyslexia.


IBACS Art in Grey

PhD candidate

Derek Lee

Research Interests:

Cancer metabolism


Tommy Lee

NIH-IRACDA FIRST Postdoctoral Fellow
Emory University

Tommy Lee

Research Interests:

Psychiatric disorders can impair social functioning in everyday life. In an effort to translate neural mechanisms into potential future treatments, my current research elucidates the neuroscience of social behavior and memory. To answer outstanding questions, I utilize behavioral paradigms, neuropharmacology, electrophysiology, and computational neuroscience.


Photo of Lu Li

Lu Li

Research Interests:

3D bioprinting, additive manufacturing for metals, thermo-fluids, multiphase flow, crack of composite materials.

Jin Lu
Assistant Professor

Jin Lu

Research Interests:

Machine learning, AI, health informatics, and medical informatics

Photo of Natasza Marrouch

Natasza Marrouch

Research Interests:

My primary research focuses on the processing of unpredictability. Building on interdisciplinary postulates from information theory, probability theory, and neurological findings, I explore the role of unpredictability in the formation and persistence of belief systems. To this end I apply a combination of experimental methods, computational modeling, and multilevel analysis of open-source socioeconomic, Geo-spatial data, and individual level data.

Photo of Ruth McLeod
Visiting Assistant Professor
The College of The Holy Cross

Ruth McCleod

Research Interests:

My research interests are focused on early brain injuries that occur in preterm infants, outcomes after injury and potential treatments. my studies mainly focus in modeling injuries in rodents to test the effects of potential treatments on cognitive outcomes. I also work with medical record data to further understand what factors, such as inflammation and prenatal conditions, effect developmental outcomes.

Photo of Timothy McKay

Timothy Mckay

Research Interests:

General research topics that I am interested include: Working memory as it relates to sexual minority stress; learning potential and academic achievement in underserved minority populations; as well as mental health behaviors and outcomes in stigmatized populations. Currently working on the UConn/HRC- LGBTQ Teen Youth Study as a Research Assistant with Dr. Ryan Watson.

Photo of Timothy Michaels
Postdoc Fellow

Timothy Michaels

Research Interests:

My research utilizes translational and interdisciplinary methods to examine the neural basis of perceptual and cognitive deficits that underlie serious mental illness. Specifically, I am interested in understanding how attention and working memory impairments relate to psychosis and contribute to the pathophysiology of schizophrenia. (Social Determinants of Psychosis/Psychosis Risk.)

Photo of Katelyn Mooney
Neuroscience PhD Student

Katelyn Mooney

Research Interests:

I am interested in studying the effectiveness of low carbohydrate diets at ameliorating symptoms of post-traumatic brain injury such as learning deficits and aggression in chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) models. By supplementing high-carbohydrate diets with the ketogenic metabolite beta-hydroxybutyrate my research is aimed at working to understand the molecular mechanisms that underlie ketone body supplementation that make it an effective treatment for neuropathological conditions.

Photo of Marmar Moussa
Assistant Professor
Computational Biology & Bioinformatics 
University of Oklahoma

Marmar Moussa

Research Interests:

My research interests are related to computational genomics and biology and computational neuroscience, single cell genomics, cognitive science and brain transcriptomics.


Photo of Alexandra Palmisano 150x150

Postdoc Fellow 

Alexandra Palmisano

Research Interests:

My research employs human laboratory and clinical methods to investigate biological, psychological, and social factors contributing to the co-occurrence of posttraumatic stress disorder and substance use disorders, specifically alcohol and nicotine dependence.


Photo of Ashley Parker

Postdoc Fellow 

Ashley Parker

Research Interests:

Biomarkers of hearing health, auditory processing, auditory electrophysiology, hearing loss


Photo of Meaghan Perdue

Postdoc Fellow
University of Calgary

Meaghan Perdue

Research Interests:

I use advanced, multimodal neuroimaging techniques to study the development of brain anatomy and chemistry in children. I also apply these methods to investigate correlates of reading and language skills in an effort to identify the neurobiological mechanisms that support skilled reading and the brain differences associated with reading disabilities.


Photo of Robert Pijewski

Robert Pijewski

Research Interests:

My research interests lie in elucidating the fundamental processes underlying aspects of glial biology that lead to nervous system pathology. Accordingly, the focus of my research is to characterize the cellular differences contributing to central nervous system remyelination using human induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells from multiple sclerosis (MS) patients.

Photo of Sarah Powell

Adjunct Faculty

Sarah Powell

Research Interests:

My research uses electrophysiologic methods alongside behavioral auditory tests to examine individual variability in auditory processing and perception. I am interested in how different experiences may push the limits of clinically "normal" hearing over a listener's lifetime and how research in this area can be translated to better inform both clinical practice and public health.

Photo of Yanina Prystauka

Yanina Prystauka

Research Interests:

My research interests are (cognitive neuroscience of) sentence processing in monolingual and bilingual speakers.

Assistant Professor
University of Alabama at Birmingham

Caroline G. Richter

Research Interests:

I received my Ph.D. in Experimental Psychology from the University of Louisville in 2021. I am interested in understanding the cognitive and socio-emotional aspects that contribute to the variability on the academic achievement of individuals with neurodevelopmental disorders. I am particularly interested in working with children with learning disabilities, autism spectrum disorders, and Williams syndrome.

Jenelle Salisbury

Adjunct Instructor
Delta College


Janelle Salisbury

Research Interests:

My (broad-level) research interests are philosophy of mind, philosophy of cognitive science, epistemology, and ethics. I am interested in the neural mechanisms of sensation and how these connect to what is experienced from the first-person point of view. I am also interested in the formation of concepts and the influences of language on thought and experience. I have emerging research interests in the ethics of caring and radical empathy.


IBACS Art in Grey

Amin Sherafat

Research Interests:

I am interested in to work on neuro-glia interactions, computational biology, learning and Memory, neurodegenerative diseases and bioinformatics.


Photo of Elizabeth Simmons

Assistant Professor

Elizabeth Simmons

Research Interests:

My research encompasses how toddlers with and without language delay learn and process spoken words. I use eye tracking and EEG to answer my research questions


Photo of Preeti Srinivasan

Preeti Srinivasan

Research Interests:

My research interests lie at the intersection of communication and Human-computer interaction (HCI). I study information acquisition and processing from social and mobile news media. More specifically, I’m interested in looking at how cognitive processes such as attention, elaboration, engagement, and design features of such platforms impact learning and processing, in a bid to provide design implications to such platforms, and to augment user-experience thereof.


Photo of Emily Yearling

Assistant Lecturer
Ball State University

Emily Yearling

Research Interests:

My primary research focuses on the relationship between action and perception in facilitating the development of cognitive control abilities associated with goal directed behavior and problem solving. The physiological development of the brain is not the only driver of the development of executive function. It stems from the dynamic reciprocal interactions between our brains, our experiences, and our environment.


Photo of Xinming Zhou

Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences; Graduate Student
UT Austin

Xinming Zhou

Research Interests:

My research interests lie in the cognitive and neural basis of challenging speech perception, such as non-native speech sounds and speech-in-noise.